Looking for Jarrell hair salons? In a city of 1,700, your options may be limited, but a short drive down the road to Georgetown and your options increase dramatically at Hill Country Salon Suites.
We are going to talk about your options for Jarrell hair salos if you are considering owning a hair salon. We are Hill Country Salon Suites, serving the Greater Georgetown area with salon suite rental opportunities. Call us at 512-380-2500 for more information about pricing and availability of our salon suites.
Jarrell hair salons opportunities.
Doing a quick Google search we find six Jarrell hair salons, a city of 1,700 people, or one hair salon for every 283 citizens. Now, that may, or may not, seem like quite a few people for each salon, but realize that not all of those citizens will go to a hair salon. Understand, also, that not all of those citizens will fit into the demographic categories that you, the salon owner, want to target, a point we will delve deeper into later in this article.
Base population needed to make it as an owner.
There is no concrete answer to this question, simply because there are demographic factors, in any city, which play a much bigger role in success than mere population. What are those demographic factors? Age, sex, education, income, and family structure, are the five main demographics you want to know in choosing a site for a hair salon. Obviously, the larger the city, the more potential clients you have, but a larger city also means more competition (more salons).
What, then, is your approach in searching for Jarrell hair salons? You need to begin by deciding what you want your salon to be, and who you want to target with your salon.
What is your target market going to be?
In a city like Jerrell, with such a small population base, your target market may be everyone who lives there, but in a larger city like Georgetown, with over 67,000 people, or larger still, like Fort Worth, approaching one million people, you are much better off narrowing your focus and concentrating on a specific “type” of customer.
Let’s look at an example to drive this point home.
You want to open a salon in Georgetown, and you want to target teenage girls, and college women, in that city. We know, from looking at the demographics, that 50% of the citizens in Georgetown are 24-years of age and younger, a statistic enhanced by having Southwestern University in that city. Simple math, then, will tell us you have approximately 34,000 citizens who fit your target market. To narrow that down more, you would need to know how many of those 34,000 are older than twelve.
Best location for your salon, with that target market? Near the university would be prime, and hopefully within walking distance.
Now you have some information you can work with, information you can build upon, to increase your chances of succeeding with a hair salon or beauty salon.
A final word about Hill Country Salon Suites.
And you can increase your chances of success, even more, by leasing a salon suite from Hill Country Salon Suites, leading the way in Georgetown with twenty-six luxury salon suites to choose from at our Williams Drive location. At Hill Country, we are all about giving you the best opportunity to succeed as an independent salon owner. We offer a long list of amenities included in our inexpensive rental fee, a business plan which is a proven winner, a marketing plan which will help you to attract that target market, and a support staff which will always be there to offer words of advice and encouragement.
At Hill Country Salon Suites, you are never alone. Call us today!